

品牌全称:NICERA Nippon Ceramic Co Ltd


Corporate Name Nippon Ceramic Co., Ltd.
Principal Office 176-17 Hirooka, Tottori-shi 689-1193 JAPAN
Management Philosophy We contribute to mankind by means of providing products of true value for people around the world.
Our Mission For Society Let's contribute to society through the creation of fusion between software and hardware.
Established June 1975
Common Stock JP\10,241,976,996 (December 31, 2012)
Number of Employees Nippon Ceramic Co., Ltd. 316 As of December 31, 2012
Nippon Ceramic Co., Ltd. and Consolidated Subsidiaries 2,014 As of December 31, 2012
Nature of Business Development, manufacturing and sales of ceramic sensor, ferrite, module and others.
Stock Listings The first section in the Tokyo Securities Exchange Market.
The first section in the Osaka Securities Exchange Market.
Accounting Period January to December



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