

品牌全称:Genesis Microchip

 Genesis Microchip Inc. was a supplier of integrated circuits (ICs) for video processors in flat panel LCD TVs and Monitors. Founded in 1987 by Paul Russo in Markham, Ontario, Canada and it became a public company in 1998  and employed over 500 people (2006) worldwide. Genesis acquired Faroudja which is famous for its Emmy Award winning video processing technology and a household name among Home Theatre enthusiasts. Key video processing technology includes: DCDi, MADi, image scaling (key industry patent), color management, LCD response time compensation, and founders of DisplayPort interconnect technology now a VESA standard.


On December 11, 2007, ST Microelectronics announced the acquisition of Genesis Microchip.
意法半导体和 Genesis Microchip有限公司宣布两家公司就意法半导体收购Genesis Microchip公司的事宜达成最终协议。 此项并购交易将进一步加强意法半导体在快速增长的数字电视和显示器市场上的领先系统芯片技术供应商的地位。



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