由于客户采购批量与样品的价格不同,网上无法统一注明,请您把采购型号通过邮件或客服QQ:2850151585 发给我们,也可以拨打明佳达国内销售部电话:0755-83957301,由客服人员为您报价;有时元件厂商价格稍许变动,本公司未能及时调整,如您觉得售价稍高,请与我们说明并适当议价;谢谢支持.
ROM: 32K-byte (S3C8249/P8249)
ROM: 16K-byte (S3C8245/P8245)
RAM: 1056-Byte (S3C8249/P8249, S3C8247)
RAM: 544-Byte (S3C8245/P8245, S3C8248)
Data memory mapped I/O
Oscillation Sources
Crystal, ceramic, RC (main)
Crystal for subsystem clock
Main system clock frequency 1-10 MHz
(3 MHz at 1.8 V, 10 MHz at 2.7 V)
Subsystem clock frequency: 32.768 kHz
CPU clock divider (1/1, 1/2, 1/8, 1/16)
Two Power-Down Modes
Idle (only CPU clock stops)
Stop (System clock stops)
6 level 8 vector 8 internal interrupt
2 level 8 vector 8 external interrupt
Watch Timer
Real-time and interval time measurement
Clock generation for LCD
Four frequency outputs for buzzer sound
LCD Controller/Driver
Maximum 16-digit LCD direct drive capability
Display modes: static, 1/2 duty (1/2 bias)
1/3 duty (1/2 or 1/3 bias), 1/4 duty (1/3 bias)
A/D Converter
Eight analog input channels
50 ms conversion speed at 1 MHz f
10-bit conversion resolution
8-Bit Serial I/O Interface
8-bit transmit/receive mode
8-bit receive mode
LSB-first/MSB-first transmission selectable
Internal/external clock source
Voltage Booster
LCD display voltage supply
S/W control en/disable
3.0 V drive
45 I/O Pins
45 configurable I/O pins
Basic Timer
Overflow signal makes a system reset.
Watchdog function
8-Bit Timer/Counter A
Programmable 8-bit timer
Interval, capture, PWM mode
Match/capture, overflow interrupt
8-Bit Timer/Counter B
Programmable 8-bit timer
Carrier frequency generator
16-Bit Timer/Counter 0
Programmable 16-bit timer
Match interrupt generates
16-Bit Timer/Counter 1
Programmable 16-bit timer
Interval, capture, PWM mode
Match/capture, overflow interrupt
Because of wholesale price is different from sample price, our website cannot state. Please contact us online. As well as welcome you call us : 0755-83957301.We will offer a right price; Sometimes manufacturer's price is unstable, so we don't adjust price in time. if you feel price is a little high for you, just feel free to contact us for consultation. Thank you for your support !