

  • Rubycon是一家电解电容制造厂,是开发、制造和销售以铝电解电容为主要商品的综合性电子零部件生产......
  • Rockwell是著名的电子控制和通讯设备制造商。公司有两个大的业务部门:RockwellAutomation和航空&通讯......
  • 瑞萨电子以高效的研究开发能力、良好的设计开发平台环境及全方位的制造技术为基础,全力展开&ldquo......
  • 瑞昱半导体成立于1987年,位于台湾「硅谷」的新竹科学园区,凭借当年几位年轻工程师的热情与毅 力......
  • RF微器件公司生产高性能射频IC,用于宽带和电缆通讯领域。生产的产品包括功率放大器、线性放大器......
  • Ricoh公司1936年成立,是全球著名的办公自动化设备制造商。生产的产品包括复印机、传真机、数据处理......
  • ROHM公司总部在日本京都,是著名电子元件制造商。公司1958年成立,开始制造电阻器件,公司名称源自......
  • Richtek is a world-leading power management IC design house. We are singularly focused on delivering the world''s and most competitive p......
  • Over the past 20 years, it has become common practice to purchase DC/DC converters as a finished module. This applies to all segments of......
  • 雷凌科技股份有限公司(Ralink Technology Corporation)是无线局域网络芯片组解决方案的领先创新者和开发......
  • 瑞佑科技是由一群对消费性电子及信息电子产品具多年设计、营销、管理的专业人才于88 年 8 月所创立......
  • Rakon Limited (NZX: RAK) is pleased to announce another important step in its ongoing building of a profitable growing Global Business. ......
  • Ramtron International (纳斯达克代码:RMTR) 总部设在美国科罗拉多州 Colorado Springs 市,专门设计、开发和销......
  • RDA

    RDA Microelectronics is a fabless semiconductor company that designs, develops and markets wireless systems-on-chip and radio-frequency ......
  • RDC

    RDC Semiconductor Co., Ltd. (shortened as RDC), leaded by Mr. Jack Chen , is the first Taiwan IC design house focusing on high performan......
  • 陕西亚成微电子股份有限公司位于西安市高新区, 是一家专业从事集成电路及系统产品的设计、生产与......
  • 麗正國際科技股份有限公司(原麗正精密電子工業股份有限公司)係響應政府倡導之策略工業 ,於1976年(......
  • We offer system designers and product developers highly integrated, single-chip, single-die RFeICs that significantly simplify the desig......
  • RFHIC,全球领先的射频和微波元件设计、制造商,拥有从分立器件到集成高功率放大器等广泛的产品线......
  • 朗弗科技股份有限公司(RFIC)是一家通過ISO9001認證,以設計研發與製造各種射頻端通訊系統(手機/手持式......
  • Richnex Microelectronics is a privately held fabless IC company based in Taiwan, Republic of China. Richnex designs and markets the stat......
  • 立積電子 (Richwave Technology Corp.)成立於2004年,是專業的 IC 設計公司。公司的主要技術在開發與設計世界......
  • 「永鉅電機有限公司」創立於民國77年4月。從成立至今,一直忠誠地秉持著提供最高品質的產品,來滿......
  • Radiall was founded in 1952 to make coaxial plugs for the emerging television industry. Today, Radiall is a global manufacturer of high ......
  • Richpower Microelectronics Corporation is an IC design company in the field of AC/DC and DC/DC. Since our start in 2009, Richpower not o......
  • Headquartered in San Jose California, Redpine Signals is a wireless systems company with unique chipset and system level products for wi......
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